We offer various Trucking solutions all over Europe.
- Currier Transport Service
- Full Load Transport
- Currier Transport Service
Part Loads, Pallet Transport
Temperaturer regulated transport +/-
- Container Transport on Chassis ore Side loader
The length of a truck can differenciate
from 6 and 9 meters and are conected
Trailers have length from 11 to 13,6 meters
LDM = Loading meter
One loading meter = one meter cargo in the cars/trailers width in loaded stand
(Length x width devided with 2,4)
Example: EUR Pallet = 120 x 80 divided with 2,4 = 0,4 LDM
A trailer of 13,6 meter is able to stuff 34 pallets. 34 x 0,4 = 13,6 meters.
If the pallet is a industrial pallet with lets say the mesures 120 x 100 then the ldm will be 0,5 LDM
PPL (Pallet space) = is 1 EUR pallet (120 x 80) where you are not able to stuff any other cargo on top of the pallet feks. Machines etc.
Europe : 1 LDM = 1850 kg 1 PPL = 740 kg
Denmark : 1 LDM = 1500 kg 1 PPL = 600 kg